UNIT 3- week 2 final evaluation

Context: Building branded content is a collaborative, long and detailed process due to the broadness of the media industry, requiring a variety of skills. For this specific brief we needed to understand our target audience of 16-36 audiences who generally enjoy attending events and (possibly) shop from Co-Op. By doing this we are given the necessary experience, replicating real life circumstances that comes with advertising for a company and can reflect real life jobs like: social media manager, visual effects leader, editor, producer and more. My content produced was developed on photoshop. This is important as it is an industry standard platform and will create an industry level quality of work.

This is an advertisement I created and applied to a billboard for our client to provide digital aid as to where we saw our advertisements being produced.

research: i used research skills like primary and secondary reseach gain more of a particular audience which was people age of 16+ by doing i did a survey of most popular social media and favourite music genre which gave us an idea on what platform to promote co op live on and what music to represent the brand. So we found out youtube is the most popular social media platform that has videos running between 5 seconds to 30 mins , so we created a visual add that will pinpoint that partIcular audience.

When looking at secondary research we needed to understand what our target audience like doing and what would make then want to buy a co op membership. We use google to find some information and active feedback from students and teachers.

Practical skills: My job as pitch lead was to make sure the pitch we was to give to the client was well organised and prepared for , such as we knew who was speaking , the powerpoint was created and everything was organised in chronological order. My group encourages me to add more of a distinctive look to the powerpoint and make sure it was branded well with the co op live logo in each slide.

Beginning of the powerpoint i created

I do believe my powerpoint could’ve been better within more detail and less paragraphs. however i feel accomplished in the sense i branded our presentation well with having it very organised and easy to understand and having co op live logo in every slide made it more eye catching to sell to the client.

The powerpoint look could determine how your pitch could go and i think i did a great job of creating it.

Evaluation and Reflection: I believe that during our entire brief our group was able to communicate effectively to work collaboratively when creating the resources needed in preparation for our pitch. Alongside this, our actual pitch and the detail of our research was proven to be impressive by our clients surprise and verbal reactions towards what we presented. The idea surrounding our audiences growing short attention spans and how our clients should utilise our audiences to help promote the brand further through things like hashtags, further made our pitch stand out to them.

i was able to give my input during group work discussions and handle criticism from my team. what they like and what they didn’t like about my pitch.

Issue: they wanted it to be more branded woth The co op live idea

solution: what i did was i i added the co op live logo to each slide and add like stage colours like purple and a gradient from blue to purple colour overall theme in the slides

what i think could have went better was i feel as i could have helped more with the creative content such as like creating the Digital content or audio.

Colour scheme and co op live logo in the bottom right corner.

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